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   Sahel Workshop Objectives





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Final Report



The specific issues to be addressed at the workshop involve

(1) analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of variability across the entire region

(2) determination of whether there are any identifiable trends in vegetation biomass over the region

(3) determination of whether these trends and patterns of variability are systematic and can be linked to long-term changes in rainfall over the Sahel or other sources of interannual variability associated with ENSO

(4) discussion of the possibility of using new satellite data sets from TERRA, SPOT-Vegetation and AQUA combined with in situ measurements in the large scale monitoring of the Sahel at higher spatial resolution in the coming years

Sahel Workshop Contact:

Stefanie Herrmann, ICRSE Workshop Secretariat
stefanie@email.arizona.edu -- (520) 626-8064 Voice -- (520) 621-3816 FAX

Food & Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations
United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification
United Nations
Environment Programme

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